Monday, April 15, 2024

Making saints the Anglican Catholic way


How does a person become a saint in the Anglican Catholic Church?

Sorry, my video got cut off.

I meant to add:

God bless you in your progress to sainthood. May you always bear witness to Almighty God.

And God bless you that you may join all your favourite saints in the glory of God.

And please pray for me

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Ovine Comparisons

Sermon for the second Sunday after Easter

Analogies and metaphors 
can only go so far.

Our Lord describes us
as His sheep.

To our ears,
that makes us sound
like dumb animals.

Perhaps we object to that
as it hurts our dignity
as human beings.

But if we compare ourselves 
with God
we are not even sheep.

What is a pot 
compared with the potter?

Or the stick man
idly doodled onto the page
of an exercise book
compared with the bored
schoolboy trying to cope
with learning 
the politics of World War I?

To be compared as a sheep
with the Divine Master 
is a compliment.

But if we are concerned 
about being compared with sheep
in the first place 
then we're missing the point.


To compare two things
puts them in opposition.

We look at two things
to see which is bigger,
which is worth more money,
which is prettier,
which smells worse.

The moment we try that with God 
then the comparisons 
stop making any sense.

Which is redder:
the post box,
or the colour red?

Which is brighter:
the sun,
or light itself?

Which is more holy 
the saints,
or God Himself?


We are always so ready
to compare ourselves with others
that frequently we miss the point.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd 
we are His sheep,
not of the fold
of the inheritance of Israel
but of the gentile fold 
that Jesus has taken to Himself.

Yes,  the metaphor 
compares us with sheep
but the point is clear:
God is with us.

He isn't against us.

He is not comparing Himself with us.

He is not setting Himself up
in opposition to us.

If Jesus is using 
the metaphor of the sheep 
to make the point
that He is greater than us
then He would have to deny 
the fact that He has a human nature
like us.

To reinforce His difference from us
would be to despise His Incarnation 
and that would defeat the whole object
of why He became flesh for us.

If humans are sheep
then He would be a sheep as well.

In saying that He is the shepherd 
Jesus is not exalting Himself over us.

Quite the reverse.

He is saying that He is with us.

He is on our side.

He has our backs,
won't let us go,
will fight for us
will die for us 
will lead us into the ecstasy
of Heaven itself
all because He loves us
and enjoys 
to be around us.


However we appear
in Our Lord's parables
we can trust 
that He means us
in the best possible way
in order to bring us to our perfection 
and happiness 
which can only happen 
when He is in our midst.

Monday, April 08, 2024

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Proceedings from Easter

Sermon for Low Sunday

The Lord breathes
on the Apostles
and then says,
"Receive the Holy Ghost."

But don't they receive
the Holy Ghost
on the day of Pentecost?

What's going on?


The first thing to note
is that the Holy Ghost
is proceeding from the Son.

But the Son is not the source
of the Holy Ghost.

Jesus is the means 
by which the Holy Ghost
proceeds to us.

The scripture here 
is very clear.

The Spirit proceeds
from the Father as the source
of all being and yet
through the Son
and upon the apostles.

Why should this be important
to us?

Does it matter how 
the Persons of the Trinity
relate to one another?

Does it matter how
the Holy Ghost shows Himself to us?


What do we see?

The Lord Jesus breathes
the Holy Ghost
into the Apostles
and He gives them authority
to bind and loose sins.

This authority
is not just some certificate,
not some rubber stamp,
or ID card that says
"Licence to forgive sins."

This authority
is the Holy Ghost Himself.

It shows us
that when the Apostles forgive sins
in the name of
the Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
they really are forgiven
that the relationship
between God and those who repent
is healing and strengthening.

This authority has its source 
in God the Father
because God the Father
is the source of all things good.

This authority proceeds through
God the Son,
because the Incarnation
of Jesus Christ was expressly
for the purpose of redeeming souls
and the forgiveness of sins.

So we see that the Holy Ghost
proceeds from the Father
through the Son
to us 
for the purpose
of freeing us from our sins.


The Apostles clearly receive
the Holy Ghost here
and here He begins His work
of transforming
Disciple to Apostle.

When that transformation is complete
then the Holy Ghost
makes His presence visible
fifty days after Easter.

But that is another story.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

The business of standing and staring

Sermon for the Feast of the Resurrection

We've been minding
our own business
this Lent
trying to understand
how the things
we busy ourselves with
fit with our Faith.

We've been asking,
"Is our everyday faith the Faith?"


But today is not like everyday.

we stand at the door of the tomb
staring in
looking at the folded graveclothes
and the napkin lying by itself
trying to make sense
of what has happened.

And we are not alone.

For many people 
stand by us gazing into
the tomb
but they are very busy indeed
asking what has happened,
arguing and debating,
looking for clues and evidence
looking for a lack of clues
and evidence.

Many people busy themselves
with trying to deconstruct
the tomb
to show it's all a myth
an illusion
a folly of history.

Other people busy themselves
showing that the empty tomb
that we gaze into
is a historical fact.


Yes it is a historical fact.

But we don't always need
to have to prove that it is.

We don't always need to argue
with those who rubbish 
the Resurrection.

we just need to stand and stare
into the empty tomb
and allow our spirit
to busy itself
drinking in the Truth
basking in the Light
that ruptures this world's 
business of transaction
and competition
of evidence and matter.

The difference is
that the world will still 
stand and stare into the empty tomb
and try and make it fit
with its interpretation
that the dead do not rise.

But we, 
above the chatter of those
who seek to explain what they see 
before then,
we hear the invitation
to stop standing and staring;
we hear the invitation
to turn around
and listen to the angels
tell us that HE IS RISEN!

The world is deaf to that,
but we need not be,
we must not be.

Because we know 
that sometimes
our business is not doing,
our business is just 
to stand still 
and look up into the face
of the Risen Lord
and that's all we need to be doing.

We don't need to be
agonising about fasting,
we don't need to be 
calculating our alms,
we don't need to be 
finding the right prayer
in the Prayerbook.

we just need
to stand still,
see Him with us,
and unite our everyday faith
with the Faith of Today,
the Faith of Easter Day
with the words
"My Lord and My God."

This is the day 
that the Lord hath made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Monday, March 25, 2024